2016(e)ko abenduaren 14(a), asteazkena

Augmented Reality

Now, it's time to talk about augmented reallity, which is the principle in which Pokemon Go was based. If you had played this game or if you know what I'm talking about, you will know that thas princple is that an image or other file appears on other image. In the case of Pokemon Go, the animation of a Pokemon appears on the image the camera is taken. With this, it seems like Pokemons are truly between us.
In my case, I have tested two differents web pages, in which all of you can create augmented reallity files. One of those pages is Aurasma, which is a social netwok and if you want to see someone's work, you have to follow him before.
The second one is LayAr. If you want to use it, you have to pay for it, but it allows you to make one file. In this way, you can try it and if you like it and you want to use ir more, you will have to pay.
I think AR will be very usefull in education, because students may feel more motivated working with this and no only with books, which is the way school have always worked.
Now, I will let you the links to those two link I have created to test the online applications. With Aurasma I have mixed a map of the USA with the election map, so you will see in which States had won Donald Trump and in which ones Hillary Clinton. The second one, with LayAr, is the same map of USA again, but in this case, it will appear a button in which will redirect to a Youtube video of the National Anthem of the USA, "The Star-Spangled Banner". If you point the image below with your mobile devices' Aurasma or LayAr apps, you are going to see my work.

Orain, errealitate areagotuaren inguruan berba egiteko ordua da, Pokemon Go oinarritu izan den printzipioa dena alegia. Joko horretara jolastu izanez gero, jakingo duzue zertaz ari naizen, irudi edo artxibo bat irudi baten gainean agertzea, alegia. Pokemon Go-ren kasuan, pokemon bat agertzen da kamerak hartzen duen irudiaren gainean. Era honetan, badirudi Pokemonak benetan daudela gure artean.
Nire kasuan, errealitate areagotua sortzeko bi web orrialde frogatu ditut. Horietak bat Aurasma izan da, sare social bezala funtzionatzen duena eta, hortaz, norbaiten lana ikusi nahi izanez gero, lehenik eta behin jarraitu egin behar da.
Bigarrena LayAr izan da. Kasu honetan, ordaindu egin behar da erabili ahal izateko, baina artxibo bat dohan sortzea ahalbidetzen du, frogatu ahal izateko eta gustatuz gero, ordaindu.
Nire ustez, errealitate areagotua oso baliagarria izango da hezkuntzan, ikasleak motibatuagoak egongo direlako honekin lan egiten ohiko liburuekin baino.

Ahora es momento de hablar sobre la realidad aumentada, principio en el que se basa Pokemon Go. Quien haya jugado a este juego, sabrá que el principio es que una imagen o archivo se superpone sobre otra imagen. En el caso de Pokemon Go, la animación de un Pokemon aparece sobre la imagen que la cámara toma, dando la sensación de que los Pokemon realmente habitan entre nosotros.
En mi caso, he probado dos

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